Year: 2019
Category: Food
Illustrations: Melt

Mescla is a food export business. Their açaí was about to be sold abroad to the final consumer (B2C) in three different flavors: plain, banana and guaraná. And so they came to us.

What we did in this project
Packaging design.


We believe that a 100% Brazilian product deserves a packaging filled with all the country's “bossa”, vibrating with the energy of its flora and fauna. Our goal was to draw attention at the point of sale and, at the same time, evidence the product’s country of origin (Brazil) using it as an emotional attribute.

Usually, açaí is exported in-natura to other countries, but when a mixture of water and other ingredients is added later in the food processing, it  loses its healthy product essence.

Mescla, on the other hand, exports the pure açaí as a ready-made sorbet. When presented to foreign importers, the label immediately conveyed an image of a natural, premium-quality product, transforming the way Açaí Mescla was seen in worldwide locations such as Dubai and Indonesia.